R/O Romano ANDREOCCI on duty at ROME RADIO – IAR year 1960
In 1999 Maritime Radio Communications changed around the world and the use of W/T (Wireless telegraphy) was abolished. ´The Merchant Marine Radio Officer was not needed anymore and his service on board ships ended. After a few years Radio Officers of several countries got in touch with each other to follow up and discuss new and old radio technologies. This site will be a support for them so they have the possibility to exchange information.
The group will observe developments in communications at sea, because some of us still believe that the use of Morse Code is easy, fast and reliable – obsolete only for those who don’t understand that the obsolescence of W/T is due only to poor and distorted information by the “media”.
We have a forum where you can meet Radio Officers who are no longer on board their ships, but still alive to support with their professionalism, the changes and developments of communications at sea for true safety of life at sea. For the forum access click on the following URL: http://groups.google.com/group/radio-officers?hl=en
The Radio in the Era of digital communications
“Of course today there is the Internet, television, computers, cell phones, but it is not the same.
That’s you don’t connects directly to someone, you are forced to use networks, infrastructures, external systems, some media.
With the radio it’s not so: it’s just you, the radio, and the antenna.
There is nothing in the middle that depends on others, and if you are able to connect someone on the other side of the World, it just depends on your skills and abilities.”
Our Official Logo realized by Phyllis Singer – KA7JCT
On this website there is a section dedicated to R/O’s pictures and vitas, if you whish to be included on the list please send to the webmaster your photo and curriculum, it will be a great pleasure to have you on this site.